7th Annual Dresden International Doctoral Colloquium "Architectural Aesthetics, Building Composition & City Design" June 20-22, 2013
7. internationales Dresdner Doktorandenkolloquium „Architekturästhetik, Baukomposition & Stadtgestaltung“ vom 20.-22.06.2013
The 7th Annual Dresden International Doctoral Colloquium provides an opportunity for doctoral students from various disciplines related to the field of architectural aesthetics to exchange ideas about the current state of their research and receive critical input from a panel of professors and fellow students in their field.
Contrary to function, construction and technology, the central core of architecture and city design - form and space and its effect - are rarely addressed in a systemic and scientific manner through research. This colloquium is a forum for students in these fields. The spectrum of topics ranges from broader theoretical and methodological issues to the specifics of practical applications in architecture and urban design. Students in the fields of philosophy, environmental psychology, art history, architectural theory and history, architectural composition and urban design are invited to participate.
Regardless of the state of progress - from the beginnings of an idea to nearly completed dissertations, speakers will present the principal theme, a problem description, the major issues and hypotheses, the goals of the dissertation, the applied methodology and further steps planned towards completion.
Submission of a 500 word abstract by: March 1, 2013.
Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2013.
Panel of Reviewers:
Prof. Ralf Weber PhD,
Architect and Psychologist,
Dresden University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmidt,
Architect and Urban Designer,
University of Duisburg Essen
Prof. Dr. Frank Werner,
Architectural Historian and Theorist,
University of Wuppertal
inquiries to:
Ralf Weber PhD
Association for Architectural Aesthetics
Dresden University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture
D-01062 Dresden
Language of Presentation: English
Fees: incl. lunches and beverages - 45 €