Call for Papers
EXTENDED DEADLINE for Abstract Submission!
In order to respond to numerous requests we are extending the deadline for submission of abstracts to
JANUARY 10th, 2010.
download call for papers
The 21st Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics will be held in Dresden, from August 25-28, 2010. It will be organized by the Association of Architectural Aesthetics, the International Association of Architectural Aesthetics and the Department of Architecture at the Technical University of Dresden.
The congress program will consist of: (1) spoken papers, (2) Sessions (3) Posters and an Art
exhibition. The official language of the congress is English, with a few exceptions for German spoken contributions.
There will be parallel scientific sessions for oral presentations held during each of the four days of the Congress. Invited addresses and Sessions will be scheduled throughout the program. An art exhibition will be open for the duration of the Congress for all registered participants.
The time allotted for spoken papers will be 20 minutes; 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. Each presentation will have a designated time-slot assigned. The format for paper abstracts is described below.
Special Sessions will consist of a set of integrated spoken papers related to a theme. These will follow the same time schedule as the other sessions. Applications for Special Sessions should be submitted to the organizing committee, along with an abstract for the entire symposium, stating the rationale for the topic,
the aims of the symposium, and the group of speakers proposed. A discussant may be included.
Blind Review Process
Papers are selected through a blind peer review process. The selection process takes into consideration both the merits of the Session Topic proposals, as well as the importance of organizing a diverse set of sessions for the Meeting. Typically, each session will be composed of three or four presentations, with time for discussion.
The committee will maintain a blind-review process for all papers submitted during the entire review process; enlisting three blind reviewers for each of the papers submitted to their Session Topic and recommending final papers for presentation. Each author will be limited to one submission per Session Topic.
Special Sessions
Proposals for session topics related to the conference theme are requested, as are proposals related to the full range of subject areas within aesthetics and its related disciplines.
Session Topic proposals may also cut across traditional categories or address emerging issues. Session Topic proposals may be broad in reach or sharply focused. Each proposal should clearly identify its subject, premise, and scope of the proposed Session Topic.
Participants will be welcomed at an Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception without charge.
A banquet at the world famous Eckberg Castle overlooking the Elbe River, a visit to Pillnitz Castle and a steamboat cruise on the Elbe River will be held in the evening of August 27. The price for this event is 70 EUROs and is not included in the registration fee. Note that there are only limited numbers of tickets available and we strongly recommend you to reserve your places on the registration form.
Paul Locher (Montclair State University, USA)
Thomas Jacobsen (University of Leipzig)
Stefano Mastandrea (Unversity of Rome)
Holger Höge (University of Oldenburg)
Ralf Weber (Dresden University)
Hana Gottesdiener (University of Avignon, France)
Submission of abstracts January 10th, 2010 (extended deadline)
Notification of acceptance February 1st, 2010
Submission of full paper May 1st, 2010
early registration: until March 31, 2010
late registration: after March 31, 2010
preliminary program: June-July 2010
Conference: 25-28 August 2010
Abstracts for papers, Sessions and art exhibition must be received by the Program
Committee no later than January 10th, 2010 (extended deadline). Abstracts should not exceed 500 words in length.
(Word processor format, Helvetica, 12 points). The abstract should include: (1) title; (2) author(s); (3) affiliation; (4) abstract (350 words); (5) keywords; (6) postal
address with telephone and e-mail address. Abstracts should be sent via e-mail:
TU Dresden
Chair for Spatial Design Faculty of Architecture
Association for Architectural Aesthetics
Prof. Ralf Weber PhD
Faculty of Architecture
Dresden University of Technology
D-01062 Dresden
T: +49 351 4633 4473
F: +49 351 4633 5006
The Abstracts Volume will be published at the Congress.
Selected papers will be published in a book ,Aesthetics and Design‘ in 2011.
The full abstract of every paper presented at the Congress will be included in 21st Congress
of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics: Proceedings, which will be distributed at
the meeting, along with a Conference Program, to all registered participants.
Language: All Congress proceedings and publications will be in English.

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